Walking Words

Walking Words

 Bristol Stanza Group and Lyra Festival present 'Walking Words'. Both a book and a digital walking trail, accessible through a mobile app where spoken versions of the poems are triggered on your mobile phone as a participant walks past the specific poem sites. The book, published by Bristol Books is based on the poems and is on sale throughout the Lyra annual Bristol Poetry Festival, which this year runs from April 22 to May 1.

The launch event is on April 19 and you can sign up here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/walking-words-book-launch-tickets-604083168017

Poets featured include: Deasy Bamford, Liz Cashdan, Tony D’Arpino, Richard Devereux, Jo Eades, Gillie Harries, David Johnson, Lisa Lopresti, Lizzie Parker, Agata Palmer, Marie Papier, David Punter, Martin Rieser, Pauline Sewards, Jim Sidgwick, Charles Tomlinson, David Wynne-Jones and Pete Weinstock

Lyra is a festival which brings together local, national and international poets and speakers, representing Bristol as a centre of world class poetry and booking artists from across the UK and world.

Its aim is to showcase poetry in the widest range of forms possible, including poetry readings, slam competitions, poetry film screenings, poetic walking tours, digital media, discussion panels, open mics, lectures and more. 

Poetry is something for everyone to enjoy and participate in, and the festival aim is to be inclusive, diverse and accessible to all, as well as involving participatory activities. 

Lyra offer BSL and captioned events, online content, and all live events take place in wheelchair accessible spaces.  You can see the full programme here: www.lyrafest.com

Lyra is supported using public funding from Arts Council England.

Open Mike sign-up on the door or by email to martin.rieser@gmail.com

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